
Welcome to use CGU reservation system for research facilities, please create an account before making reservations as follow:

  • 1 Sign up
    You need a double verified account before making a reservation. You need to pass your E-mail verification and the E-mail verification of your principal investigator (PI). To do so, you need to fill in the contact E-mail and affiliation of your PI. and the PI account will be created and associated with yours automatically. Afterward, you can request PI E-mail verification as your account is associated with your PI account.
    1. Please click the top right "Sign up" to sign up, an E-mail will be sent to you for E-mail verification.
    2. Please check up your verification on the follow link. You can request PI E-mail verification if needed (request interval: 3 hours) Status of Verification 3. Please ask your PI to check E-mail and pass PI E-mail verification for you. (Once for a year)
  • 2 Select the instrument
  • 3 Make a reservation
  • 4 Wait for the E-mail notification